Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Dear God, Who dwells in my heart,
and the hearts of every body of Your Creation and beyond,
I offer you my prayer with gratitude and joy.

It is my wish to connect with You, and to be met by You,
in all happenings and non-happenings of my manifested life.

It is my wish to meet myself in You, and to be met by You
in my pain and lack - not with a fix, but with compassion and care;
to meet my pain

and not be broken by it, but grow stronger.

It is my wish to meet myself and be met in my fear - not with impatience,
but with trust and encouragement;
in my weakness - not with disgust but with kindness;
in my loneliness - not with sadness but with respect;
in my arrogance - not with punishment, but with understanding;
in my anger - not with destruction, but with strength and generosity;
in my joy - not shying away and not holding on to it,
letting it go afterwards like any other feeling.

Dear God, meet me in all things alive, and meet me in my death,
so that I'll be able to move into it with my full aliveness.

And whatever I'm missing here now, please, fill in the blanks for me,
from the perspective of my highest good, my Spirit, and the necessity of Your Creative Expression.


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